MARC MX1 Analog/Digital Interface from Steven Miller
MARC MX1 Analog/Digital Interface from Steven MillerMARC MX1 Analog/Digital Interface from Steven MillerMARC MX1 Analog/Digital Interface from Steven MillerMARC MX1 Analog/Digital Interface from Steven Miller

MARC MX1 Analog/Digital Interface from Steven Miller

Studio GearANALOGr CMessage seller
Est: $450 - $1,000

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MARC MX1 Analog/Digital Interface from Steven Miller

This is a MARC MX1 Analog/Digital Interface from the collection of Steven Miller. The MX1 was designed to convert audio to both analog and digital pulses as required to "trigger" a wide variety of sources - such as drum machines, electronic drum sets, keyboard synthesizers, etc. It was also widely used by top engineers to trigger gates in order clean up drum recordings.

Triggering specifications vary considerably between manufacturers and their devices, however when properly adjusted, the flexibility of the MX1 meets the demands set by the individual manufacturer providing effective interface capability between these devices. Whether using previously recorded drum tracks already on tape or through the use of drum trigger pickups (such as the KAT KDT-1), acoustic drums input directly to the MX1 and interface to a multitude of electronic musical equipment with true dynamic response in both live and studio applications.

All of the inputs and outputs on this machine are 1/4" phono jacks, except for two 12-pin DIN jacks, which are specifically for interfacing with the Oberheim DMX and DX drum machines. 

We Welcome Steven Miller's Special Collection of Gear to ANALOGr

Producer/Engineer Steven Miller is an industry pioneer. His recordings for the Windham Hill label in the 80’s created an entirely new musical genre and became the gold standard for audiophile excellence. He has sold millions of albums with iconic recordings such as George Winston’s December (the biggest selling solo instrumental album of all time), Michael Hedges’ Aerial Boundaries, and Mark Isham’s Vapor Drawings. Miller also found himself collaborating with Steve Jobs to incorporate his unique musical aesthetic into the sound and culture of Apple. Miller composed and produced the music and sound design for Apple’s new products: IIe, Lisa, and the groundbreaking Macintosh. From there, Steven co-founded the Hip Pocket record label, became vice president of RCA Records, and then developed the award winning Ocean Way Drums virtual instrument with his partner Allen Sides. And most importantly, throughout his entire varied career, Steven has worked continually in the recording studio with a wide range of pop, rock, folk, and jazz artists such as Dave Matthews Band, Bobby McFerrin, Backstreet Boys, Brandi Carlile, Jonas Brothers, Suzanne Vega, Manhattan Transfer, and Pink.

Technical Specs

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